Search Results for: brothel

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Master, have mercy

Relevance: 100.00%     Posted on: 2018-05-31 02:36:53

Chinese torments "It was her! Please I beg you to understand! It was her Master Tan! Please stop!" screamed Tina. Tina and Rita were two of the most popular girls at the local brothel, but the master of the house - Tan - had a problem. A very wealthy white client had ...

Urban brothel sexslaves

Relevance: 95.88%     Posted on: 2016-07-14 19:06:23

It was time for Tara to earn a little extra money for the Guzman Brothel with her owned pussy. The Senora had arranged to invite a half-dozen of her more valued male customers over to meet and sample what Tara had to offer. Senora Guzman liked to put on small ...

Tregau’s only source of revenue was it’s extensive network of brothels…

Relevance: 69.18%     Posted on: 2017-03-27 09:53:28

Island brothel of the sisters Chang The female brothel owners referred to as the Chang Sisters consisted actually of Grandma Chang, daughter Miya and granddaughter Niyo. Together, they were a major cog in the criminal underworld that dominated the tiny, independent island nation of Tregau. Tregau’s only source of revenue was ...

Enemies of Rome – The blonde warrior

Relevance: 48.79%     Posted on: 2016-06-02 07:58:07

Drusila had never kept a brothel, but there were always whores following the gladiators from town to town, and over the years she had come to an agreement with some of them. She acted as an unofficial manager, arranging meetings with local officials or merchants in exchange for a ...

The demand for half-white female babies was huge…

Relevance: 38.86%     Posted on: 2017-10-28 23:24:18

The Chinns breed yet another western girl The was an already-large and still-growing demand for slaves in the Third World. Mr. Chinn and Mrs. Chinn, opportunistic entrepreneurs if there ever was one, realized the long-range economics of such a demand. Of course, the physical satisfactions and pure pleasures of this sort ...