His hands well within reach of her naked breasts

December 18, 2019 at 7:37 pm, Category: 3d, Quoom

Safe passage
“And you couldn’t have just told me that right away? I could already be on my way back to my brother, since obviously this is nothing more than a charade.” Saveda berated the newly-promoted General Fernando.
“Well, I had to protect myself from you just as I would have protected the King,” Fernando responded coolly. “So are you interested in a discussion or not? If you are, what terms do you propose?” He took several steps toward her, his hands well within reach of her naked breasts.
“Both sides lay down their arms and stop their military buildup.” Saveda had rehearsed on the ride to the castle what she would propose. “Each side will select three persons to meet with three chosen by the other side to negotiate fair boundaries for the disputed territories. And then the two sides will sign a pact that each will assist the other should it be attacked by any outside force.” But Saveda knew that, while the King might have listened objectively to her proposal, and realized its merit, there was no chance that Fernando would. Hadn’t he made clear that the King was murdered because the military felt he was too liberal in his desire for peace with the Duke? And hadn’t he also told her that his terms would be stricter than the King’s?
Fernando’s reply to Saveda was as well rehearsed as hers had been. “Those terms might be reasonable to your side, or to any side that did not have such military superiority over the other, as we do over yours. Your brother must recognize that in any peace negotiations.”

Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!

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