Saveda’s screams continued even after Leandro had withdrawn the iron…

January 14, 2020 at 8:33 pm, Category: 3d, Quoom

Safe passage
“NNNNNoooooooo!!!” Saveda’s shoulders shook as she screamed at Fernando. She meant only to express disbelief at her situation, but Fernando took it as her response to his question.
“A foolish choice, Duchess.” Fernando moved to the side. Humberto stepped forward and jammed the iron up into the underside of Saveda’s right breast. “GGGGaaaaaaa,” Saveda threw her head back and screamed as she felt the burning heat from the iron against her soft flesh. Again, Leandro held the iron in place for a full five seconds before moving backward.
Saveda’s screams continued even after Leandro had withdrawn the iron, joined quickly by a sudden stream of urine that poured out from between her legs and sprayed across the floor as she lost control of her bladder.
“You didn’t think that we would treat you less harshly than your servant, did you? In fact, you bear far more guilt for your spy plans than she does, so your pain should be greater than hers.”
Saveda straightened her head in time to see Humberto jam the hot iron directly into her left breast just below her nipple. This time the pain was too great, and her head slumped to her burned chest just as Humberto withdrew the iron.

Full story is available for all my patrons on Quoom official website!

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